On Premise Hybrid Solutions


Hybrid Solutions

On-premise hybrid telephony combines the advantages of traditional on-site telephony systems with modern, cloud-based technology. This unique approach offers businesses the best of both worlds, allowing them to retain control over their communication infrastructure while also benefiting from the flexibility and advanced features of cloud-based solutions. With on-premise hybrid telephony, companies can integrate their existing hardware and infrastructure with cloud services, enabling seamless communication across various channels. This ensures a reliable and secure telephony system that can adapt to changing business requirements. Additionally, this hybrid model provides the option to gradually transition to the cloud, allowing businesses to leverage new technologies at their own pace, without the need for a complete system overhaul. As a result, on-premise hybrid telephony presents a versatile and future-proof solution for businesses seeking a balanced approach to their communication needs. 


Years in service


Talented Managers


Complicity Projects



Morbi non tempor mauris. Nullam tortor magna, sagittis at tempor vel, sollicitudin vel neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus imperdiet fringilla odio, sed scelerisque leo posuere sit amet. Nullam laoreet est eu est sagittis, et ullamcorper libero lobortis. Aenean ultrices pretium magna quis luctus. Pellentesque fringilla, diam ut gravida interdum, lacus tellus interdum sem, ut placerat ligula lacus vel risus. Pellentesque imperdiet, orci vel accumsan sollicitudin, magna velit pellentesque lorem, vel consectetur odio urna sed nunc. Vivamus quam nibh, dapibus vitae tincidunt sed, posuere vestibulum augue. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent commodo sapien iaculis libero facilisis, in congue quam hendrerit. Aliquam a augue ante. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus gravida, diam nec laoreet mattis, risus massa mollis turpis, id mollis ex diam in risus. Nulla elementum iaculis quam vel eleifend. Donec ligula sem, rhoncus eget velit eget, elementum semper mi.

Morbi non tempor mauris. Nullam tortor magna, sagittis at tempor vel, sollicitudin vel neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus imperdiet fringilla odio, sed scelerisque leo posuere sit amet. Nullam laoreet est eu est sagittis, et ullamcorper libero lobortis. Aenean ultrices pretium magna quis luctus. Pellentesque fringilla, diam ut gravida interdum, lacus tellus interdum sem, ut placerat ligula lacus vel risus. Pellentesque imperdiet, orci vel accumsan sollicitudin, magna velit pellentesque lorem, vel consectetur odio urna sed nunc. Vivamus quam nibh, dapibus vitae tincidunt sed, posuere vestibulum augue. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent commodo sapien iaculis libero facilisis, in congue quam hendrerit. Aliquam a augue ante. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus gravida, diam nec laoreet mattis, risus massa mollis turpis, id mollis ex diam in risus. Nulla elementum iaculis quam vel eleifend. Donec ligula sem, rhoncus eget velit eget, elementum semper mi.

Morbi non tempor mauris. Nullam tortor magna, sagittis at tempor vel, sollicitudin vel neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus imperdiet fringilla odio, sed scelerisque leo posuere sit amet. Nullam laoreet est eu est sagittis, et ullamcorper libero lobortis. Aenean ultrices pretium magna quis luctus. Pellentesque fringilla, diam ut gravida interdum, lacus tellus interdum sem, ut placerat ligula lacus vel risus. Pellentesque imperdiet, orci vel accumsan sollicitudin. 

Morbi non tempor mauris. Nullam tortor magna, sagittis at tempor vel, sollicitudin vel neque. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus imperdiet fringilla odio, sed scelerisque leo posuere sit amet. Nullam laoreet est eu est sagittis, et ullamcorper libero lobortis. 

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Antonio Tombanane

Client Relations Manager, Designs Signage Solutions

“Before we got in touch with Cobus we had a lot of problems with our telephone system; it wasn’t working efficiently and we were paying over the odds. We got in touch with Cobus due to their great reputation and we found their customer service levels were fantastic. They really helped us out, advised us on what would work best for our business so Designs would definitely recommend them 100%.”


Antonio Tombanane

Client Relations Manager, Designs Signage Solutions

“Before we got in touch with Cobus we had a lot of problems with our telephone system; it wasn’t working efficiently and we were paying over the odds. We got in touch with Cobus due to their great reputation and we found their customer service levels were fantastic. They really helped us out, advised us on what would work best for our business so Designs would definitely recommend them 100%.”